Sunday, September 5, 2010

In the beginning...

"It's time to go," said Hans, stepping into the car.

I cast a final glance into the house to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything.  Cookies?  Check.  Wine?  Check.  We were on our way to Calgary for our first meeting with the rest of our 12-person team who will be going on a Rotary Friendship Exchange to Australia.

I was interested in meeting the others.  We are all Rotarians or long-time spouses of one, so right away we had something in common.  In no time at all we fell into easy, companionable conversation and the afternoon disappeared in a pleasant blur.  We kept our energy topped up with a variety of tasty bunwiches prepared by our hosts and thirst was kept at bay through a sampling of Australian wines.  Very appropriate. 

Donna went through the highlights of what we can expect, primarily, we will be kept very busy. 

"Don't expect a lot of free time, but there will be some.  Be aware of cultural differences.  Be sensitive of your teammates because it can be awkward travelling in close proximity with ten strangers for 2 1/2 weeks. 
The bus we travelled in during my Exchange was small," she explained.  "We were tightly squeezed together when all twelve of us were in the bus.  There's a middle seat in each row that folds down, so..." she paused.

"Wear deodorant?" I supplied helpfully.

 "No," she laughed.  "Well, do.  But don't get pouty and childish if you end up getting the middle seat in the bus more often than you think you should."

Saturday, September 4, 2010

In a Sunburned Country

I'm re-reading Bill Bryson's very entertaining book on Australia to give me a flavour of what I'm going to see and feel over the 2 1/2 months we'll be there. 

One thing he mentions quite forcefully.  It's a wondrously venomous and toothy country, and has more things that will kill you than anywhere else.  Of the world’s ten most poisonous snakes, all are Australian.  Some venomous spiders pack enough toxin in their bite to fell a hourse. This is a country where even the fluffiest of caterpillars can lay you out with a toxic nip.  Well then.  Let's watch where we step, shall we?

Clearly, this is a country worth getting to know.