Sunday, January 9, 2011

A beautiful evening at our hosts' in Gold Coast which, I learned, is a City, not just an area.  And it's a big city (100,000) with many, many high-rise condos.

Dinner on the outdoor patio where we were gently cooled by the evening breeze off the lake.

Above and below, daytime views from the patio across the lake.  You can fish and kayak or sail, but no motor boats allowed.  It was heavenly.

A walk along the breakwater.
 It was a pretty cloudy and rainy day, but the rain held off long enough for us to take a walk and watch the surf kick up.  The ocean was wild that day.

1 comment:

  1. Your host's home by the lake-side sounds ohhh so peaceful;no motor boats,I mean.

    It looks like a fair distance to walk on breakwater.
