Monday, January 3, 2011

*sigh*  Not everything at the beach is hunky dory.  Sort of sad, really.

 You can see Hans in the background, enjoying his daily news fix.

This is what Hans would see if he were looking up from the newspaper.

Hervey Bay is a sensory feast.  It sounds like colourful birds, feels like a hot bath, tastes like champagne, looks like a garden and smells like tangy salt. 
It’s another beautiful day, perfect for going to the beach.  We stopped at a seaside café this morning for a cool drink and to buy the newspaper before heading back to the motel to get ready for a swim.  And for a change, in the paper I see the word “its” without an apostrophe when it should actually have one.  “Though its (sic) still a delicacy…” 
In other news, the ocean just looks so inviting this morning, with a broad sandy beach and gentle waves rolling in from a blue and bright sea.  The air is filled with salt tang and shrieks of pleasure from the kids.  People having fun.  I can’t wait to join them.

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