Monday, January 3, 2011

(Written a couple of nights ago before we found this much nicer, cleaner internet place where I am right now.)

I’m in a seedy bar, on a porn site.  How on earth did that happen?
The internet at our Best Western has been down all day so this evening we went to a public internet place which happened to be in a bar.  We’re not going there again.  The crowd was pretty drunk and rough, but worse than that, the public terminal was the worst one I have ever used.  The metal keyboard was built into the table, the letters were etched into the keys and some of the etching had worn down…and not all the keys were in the usual places.
The screen was so jiggly it was impossible to see what I was typing.  The keys stuck.
To check our mail, I go to which, as I was startled to learn, comes out as if you somehow drop the ‘l’. 

And there was I was on a porn site. 
In a public bar.   
Very awkward.

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