Thursday, January 6, 2011

Crikey! Danger! Danger!

Spent most of the day at the Australia Zoo, which was started by Steve Irwin's family and then he expanded it when he took it over.  It's quite amazing, and we had a great time.  Didn't get to hold a koala though, unless I wanted to get a professional photo taken for $$$, and I didn't.

Freshwater crocs.  Apparently, not maneaters and not considered dangerous to humans.  You can even swim with them said the sign.  No thank you.

Taking his pet python out for a swim.

 Another python being brought around to us in the stands for a close-up view.  At this size, they are no danger to people.  But they're still creepy.

 Terri Irwin, feeding "Digger," one of the larger salt water crocs.

 This demo is a warning not to let anything hang out over the side of a small boat when you're in croc infested water.  They can lift almost their entire bodies out to leap at something hanging from a tree, or catch a bird in flight.  Not a good idea to trail your fingers through the water as you sail along.

Feeding the croc by flinging meat chunks at it.

a HUGE python, behind glass thank God.  Hans is shown beside it to give you an idea of scale.  This one could kill you, but probably wouldn't eat you unless you were a small child.

A replica of the size they can reach and they speculate that there may be a few around in this size, though none have been seen this big since crocs were seriously hunted as recently as the 1970s.

Yum.  Dinner time.
Don't you just love that face?  Mama and her little joey.

Awww.  Having a nap.

1 comment:

  1. The crock that jumped out of the water straight up is very impressive. They are huge creatures,heavy & slow somewhat quicker in water, and yet they have the strength to leap like that out of the water!!
