Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas presents!

Doing my part to help fundraise.

David, Sheryl, Ann and I were wrapping gifts at the mall for a gold coin donation, which is either $1 or $2.

"Thank you very much," I said appreciately to one lady as she handed me $10 for wrapping two gifts.  Noticing that she didn't leave right away, I caught on.

"Do you want change?" I asked, regretfully?

"Yes," she shrugged.  "I've spent a lot of money."  I didn't want to be too helpful and give her $8, so I said, "How much change would you like?"

"Oh, $5 will be fine."  So I thanked her again.


  1. Well, it was a fundraiser and so I wanted to get as much money for Rotary as I could!
