Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Rain from the Acopalypse


Even as we ate dinner, we could see the sky darkening over Mount Gambier.  On the drive home, the sky was truly menacing and ugly, very black with ominous ochre yellow clouds hanging and swirling in the strong winds.  And minutes after we entered the house, raindrops the size of buicks smeared the windows and then it really came down.

The eavestroughs couldn't handle it and the rain was just pouring out and over and under and gushing into the yard.  It rained so hard the drops bounced like hailstones, but there was no hail in this deluge.  It came down in acopalyptic fashion and before it was over, a full inch had fallen.

Today it's hot and steamy, 29 degrees, but the wineries are all air conditioned and I enjoyed a lovely few hours tasting Rieslings, Sauvignon Blancs, Shiraz and various blends in the wine region north of Mount Gambier.  I even tasted an $80 bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon which didn't taste like biting into a 2 x 4.

Hans, poor guy, could only sniff, swirl and spit since he's driving and doesn't want to take any risks.

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