Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cleland Wildlife Park in Adelaide

“It’s a rat!” someone yelled, but when we looked down, it was just a harmless little bandicoot.  Well, not so little, and if it were a rat, it would be a damn big one.  But since it wasn’t, I fed it. 


We hand-fed the kangaroos and they licked the food right out of my had with soft lips and tongue.  But when the emus came close, obviously smelling the food, I lost my nerve and let the food drop whereupon they lost interest.  However, those beaks just look a little too hard and pointy for a comfortable hand feeding.   emu 14   kangaroo 28, 33

We found out that at this wildlife park we could actually hold and cuddle the koalas, for $30.  So obviously they don’t  get stressed at all when people cuddle them.  At least not when they pay money.  However, we decided that we would just admire and pet them. 
But the flies.  Oh my but they were annoying and persistent and I was their magnet.  I longed for one of those swagman hats with the corks dangling off the rim.

Later that evening we went for a walk after dinner.  These ducks look for Rodger and Inge every night and waddled up from the creek as soon as they heard Rodger call. 

1 comment:

  1. So, on that day it was like being in a huge out-door zoo, eh?

    Those koalas are quite cute. Are they wild? I've learned that even wild koalas are so timid that they will let you hold them. I may have been mis-informed but is that true?
