Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign

It’s tiring driving in Australia. 
Every few kilometers you’ll see one of these signs…
“Pull over and rest”
“Powernap area ahead”
“Drowsy Drivers Die”
“Stop, Revive, Survive”
…and more in the same vein.  It was exhausting just to read them and where we weren’t tired before, it didn’t take long to start yawning the more we saw them.   So I wonder, are these signs good or bad?

But in between the dire warning signs, we drove through gorgeous areas with towering trees on both sides of the road.  Like driving through the heart of an emerald.
In places we were so high it felt like we were in the clouds, though I know it was just fog, and the fragrance of the eucalypts was so strong in places it stung our noses.  Loved it!  I wanted to smear that scent all over my skin.
And since Hans just reminded me, I should take a moment to say how great it has been to have the GPS.  It cost $150 to download the maps for Australia but more than once we’ve said it was worth every dollar.   I put in the address and in addition to the map showing you exactly where you’re going, a nice voice tells you when to turn, which exit to take from the roundabouts and generally takes all the stress out of navigating.

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