Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day on Fraser Island

We were picked up at 7:20 a.m. (yikes!) and taken by ferry across to Fraser Island, about 35 minutes away.  It was a pretty miserable rainy day but, the good news is that it was so warm we didn't really mind the rain.  Well, not much anyway.  It made the ferns glisten.

Our first stop on the island was a walk through a sub-tropical rain forest.  I thought it very appropriate that it was raining as we walked.  Thank god our hosts in Brisbane lent us an umbrella, which Hans and I shared when we were stopped to listen to our guide but when we walked, Hans graciously let me take it while he relied on his Tilley hat to keep dry.  That didn't really work well for his t-shirt, LOL.
The rainforest was breathtaking.  Ancient trees draped with strangler fig vines and wrapped in moss.  This is a world choked with life, a riot of veetation where the solemn silence of the forest today was broken only by the patter of raindrops.

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