Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Great Ocean Road

God, today, the road was breathtaking.
After we congratulated ourselves on stopping early yesterday when the GOR wasn’t showing at its best, we stopped at every lookout and took photos.  Sometimes the viewpoints were only one or two kilometers apart and we wondered if we should pull in having just stopped, but we were so glad we did.  Hope you agree.

 In the background, a few of the remaining 12 Apostles, one of the iconic images from Australia.

A better view, without the distractions of those other two in the foreground.

London Bridge is falling down.  There used to be a bridge connecting this rocky outcrop to the mainland but in 1990, it broke and dropped into the ocean below stranding a few people. They had to be airlifted by helicopter a few hours later.

A sobering sign.  Disobey at your peril.


  1. What an amazing view. Reminds me of the pictures you took when you drove to Napa along the costal highway - all that sand and surf.

    Are you sorry now you bought in Mesa, instead of Australia?

  2. No. Australia is just too far away. I still love our place in Mesa.
