Tuesday, December 14, 2010

National Gallery of Australia

I took a guided tour so I could learn a bit about Aboriginal art.  They’re very fond of pointillism and lines, and I must that that some of the paintings we saw were made up of exquisitely fine points and thousands of delicate parallel lines.  Others were quite crude in comparison, like a child’s finger-painting.  The crude artist, who only painted between ages 80-86 when she died, created thousands of paintings and when asked what they were about, said, “Everything. Can’t you see?”  Well, no, I really couldn’t but maybe years from now I’ll appreciate her art.
There was a time when I thought any idiot could paint like Jackson Pollock.  Well, this idiot tried.  And failed spectacularly.
Today the highlight of my tour through the museum was Jackson Pollock’s famous Blue Poles.   I love that painting.

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