Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Still bad flooding

The TV news is full of the state of emergency declared just west of where we are, where towns have been completely cut off as all their roads, and the town itself, are pretty much submerged.

So, we've cancelled our trip further north towards Cairns and instead will stay in Mackay an extra day or two.  That should give enough time for the highway south of us to clear of water.  It's passable right now, I hear, but "with care" which means there's still water in the low lying bits of the highway.   We forded some on the way up here - I have photos, but can't upload them right now as I'm on a public computer and I didn't save the photos to a stick.  Will try it later this afternoon.

The good news is that despite the rains which are on-again off-again daily, it's very, very warm so the rain is not at all unpleasant.  It's all an adventure!

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