Sunday, December 19, 2010

Peterson's Winery

“From Canada, are you?  Where about?”
“Been there.  Where in Alberta?”
“Been there.”
“Have you been to Red Deer?”
“Yes!  Just last night we hung a Christmas decoration that came from Red Deer.”

That was a most delightful and surprising introduction to Peterson’s Winery.  Turns out he and a bunch of Aussies came to Red Deer and Ponoka (imagine!) back in 2000 for something wine-related.  They stayed with Dr. David Lindsay in Ponoka and one of the things they did while there was shovel the snow off the front stoop.  Since it was Christmas time and they had champagne to chill, they just made a big hill from the snow and stuck their champagne bottles in it to chill.

Tyrrell is one of our host’s favourite wineries so we stopped there.
“I have some of that at home,” said Peter, pointing to a 2007 Semillon as the vendor was hovering around waiting to pour our tastings.
“Well, drink the bloody stuff,” he said as he poured us a taste.

One of the most interesting wineries we came across is one owned by a funeral director in the Hunter Valley.   When he first bought the land he was testing the soil in various areas to find the optimum place to plant his vines.  These were big holes. “They look like graves,” said Peter when he and his wife first passed by. 

Today, the holes have long since been filled, vines have matured and grapes have been transformed into wine.  And the name of this wine?  “Deceased Estates.”

We headed for the Audrey Wilkinson Vinyard established over 140 years ago with reputed breathtaking views of the Hunter Valley.
“Got your blindfold on?” asked Peter
“I can’t see anything,” said Hans.  “But is that a white car?”
“Really, close your eyes.”
“Okay.  Can’t see anything except through my fingers,” said Hans.  But we did obediently close our eyes and view truly was breathtaking.

“It was closed during Oprah’s visit,” said Ross, the vintner, telling us a group of her entourage came for a visit.  “They didn’t buy anything.”

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