Sunday, December 19, 2010

Embassies in Canberra

The Finnish Embassy, all steel and glass.

The Thai Embassy
Magna Carta

This is an original Magna Carta, dated 1297 and one of only 4 in the world not that the photo's very clear. 

The museum is a gorgeous building inside with rare and costly pieces including sections of the marble foyer floor that are 400 million years old and contains bits of fossils.

I’d also like to mention that all Museums, Mint, Parliament and parking are FREE!  On-street parking near the attractions is restricted to 2 hours, and then you have to move your car so we did.  But we were told at the Museum not to worry about it. Still, no point in risking a ticket.

The foreign embassies are all located in one close area and the tourist offices provide you with a self-drive map so you can take yourself around and gawk at them. And they’re definitely worth a look.  Most of them are built in the style of their country, so here are a few examples.

This is the new Parliament Building.  Gorgeous!
And the Papua New Guinea Embassy. 

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