Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Moreton Bay Fig

Doesn't this tree have awesome roots?  It's 150 years old and the roots make fabulous pleats.

Swan Hills is a small community of 10,000 and it lies off the beaten track.  In fact, if it weren’t for Rotary, we would never have heard of it let alone come for a visit.  But, thanks to the International Travel and Hosting Fellowship we not only found the place, but also made two good friends who took us to see a place we had never heard of, but which certainly should have had higher recognition after WWII.

Lake Boga, a large, shallow lake on the outskirts of the city, was a bustling hub where over 1000 army personnel repaired and launched the “flying boats” pictured here.  Despite their lumbering size, I’m told these clumsy looking planes could turn on a tighter radius than jet fighters.  Yes, they were slow but it is this very slowness that also gave them great accuracy when targeting enemy ships. 
Swan Hills, for its size, has tremendous facilities ranging from an indoor heated pool (which I used with great gratitude this morning along with our hosts), and outdoor pool, a school for the disabled, a day care for seniors (wish we had this) and lot of other things I’ve already forgotten, but which impressed me as they were being pointed out to me on our sight-seeing tour.
So, we found a little gem in Swan Hills.  And two good friends.

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