Sunday, December 26, 2010

Rainforest and Mackenzie Lake on Fraser Island

Here we are huddled under our umbrellas and wrapped in towels as our guide talks to us about the rainforest.  The good news about the rain is that while it was unpleasant, the alternative on a sunny day is hordes of mozzies and sandflies.  So overall, I think we were better off.
Fraser Island is a World Heritage Site since 1992 as the largest sand island in the world!  There is NO soil on Fraser Island, only sand, so scientists find it incredibly interesting that a sub-tropical rainforest can be supported by only sandy.  There is decay from leaves and dead trees which add nutrients, and apparently that's enough. 
This is Mackenzie Lake, one of forty of Fraser's freshwater lakes which are perched in the tops of sand dunes high above sea level.  This is quite remarkable given that there are only 80 such lakes in the world. Lake McKenzie is by far the most popular and probably the most picturesque, and it's quite large at 300 acres. These perched lakes are entirely composed of rainwater and have no fish.  I went swimming in it, even though it was pouring rain, and I was told it was about 24 degrees.  What the heck, I was going to get wet anyway, right?

"There's carpet on the ceiling, in case you bump your head.  Or, you could wear the seat belts."

This was our introduction to the moster truck above, equipped with seat belts - and we all wore them gratefully - as we set out on the sand tracks of Fraser Island.  Truly, the bucketing rain today filled all the little dips and valleys on the sandy road with water and in parts, the road was a river.  A real river. 

"Oomph!" came the involuntary grunt from our driver as we hit a particularly rough spot.  We were bounced around like I've never experienced before, but it was fun! I did ask the driver after lunch to provide some vomit bags but none were needed. Whew.

Actually, the worst part of the bus trip was the screaming baby at the back. Where's a  dingo when you need one? Really, parents who bring their babies on a holiday should not ever be allowed to travel with a group.  I mean that quite seriously.  Evidently, even the driver had had enough at one point as he suddenly turned on the radio, full blast.  I mean, FULL BLAST.  We all jumped, then giggled.  The baby stopped screaming.  The radio was turned off.  The baby remained quiet.  We all sighed deeply and relaxed.  We never heard the baby again.  God bless the bus driver.


  1. Funny you are here! Bella was over for Christmas dinner and when I said you were in Hervey Bay, she asked "Are they going to Fraser Island and MacKenzie Lake?" she said it was the most beautiful place she'd ever been to.

  2. Mackenzie Lake is gorgeous, no doubt about it. Beautiful clear blue water, even on an overcast and rainy day. When was Bella there? I don't imagine it changed much.
