Friday, November 12, 2010

Another fabulous day

We reunited at Di’s Garden where tables and chairs had been set out in the afternoon shade.  All the hosts had brought an assortment of salads and drinks and the Rotary Club of Walcha treated us to a barbecue of steak, sausage, onion and tomato.
And so, once again radiant with cholesterol, carbohydrates and contentment, the afternoon passed in a pleasant blur.
But the day didn't end there, though it could have.
We all got together in the evening at the Bowling Club (that's lawn bowling, not pins) for a delicious smorgasborg.  Despite our intentions not to eat after stuffing ourselves at Norm and Di's, we did eat because the Rotary Club of Walcha was treating us and it would have been rude to refuse.  And Canadians are nothing if not polite. 
There was a lively game of bingo and I won a prize!  The prize was a number of free tickets to a meat draw (selection of leg of lamb, steaks, sausages, etc.) and one of my tickets won so I asked James to collect it since the gift was going to our hosts.  We were delighted to be able to repay their kindness.

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