Friday, November 26, 2010

Driving South

When we left Sydney this morning, the highway seemed to be above the tree line because looking out my window on the left side, I saw acres and acres of treetops.  And the gum (eucalyptus trees) grow quite tall so I think we were quite high up.  Then came the down hill.  In the distance I could see the oceanfront towns far, far below us.  The drive was stunning, with colourful rolling hills in multiple shades of green, blue ocean below us and blue sky above.
Driving fines in Australia are serious.  There were frequent signs warning you to stay in the left (slow) lane unless you’re overtaking a car.  The fine for this infringement starts at $110 and goes up.  I wish we had those signs in Canada.
There were three (3!) warnings signs telling you the speed camera was coming up and you’d be pretty stupid to ignore 3 signs and get a camera ticket, which in our case would go to Thrifty Rental whereupon we would also get hit with a $35 administration fee on top of the ticket.  So, we’re being very law abiding.  And also, if you don’t signal your lane change and get caught, it’s another ticket.

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