Saturday, November 20, 2010

Here come de judge

 “Order in the court!  Order in the court!”
I sat down in the prisoner’s cage and put on a sad face.  They were accusing me of poisoning my husband with arsenic.
“Arsenic!”  Yelled the spectators/ jury.  “Hang her!”
My head drooped, lacy cap covering my eyes as I listened to witness after witness giving testimony as to the fictitious dastardly deed.  We were role-playing in the old court house as part of our tour, and we threw ourselves into our parts with great delight.
In the end, I was acquitted despite my lawyer who called “Oops” instead of Objection.

The historic courthouse was built in 1869 and served Port Macquarie for 117 years.  Eventually, it became a tourist venue and they put on these delightful 'plays' for tourists where you're each given a script with your portion highlighted.  And some props like the wigs and caps.  It was a lot of fun.

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