Saturday, November 13, 2010

First Ocean Swim in Australia

"We'll go for an early morning swim tomorrow," said David, our host.

I'm excited, but also a little scared.  They do net the beaches against sharks here, and were' going swimming near their house where there are no nets.

"Will you save me from sharks?" I asked.

"I've done it before," he said, and proceeded to tell us this story.

"When I was 18, I saw an elderly couple being swept out to sea by the current.  They were at least in their 50s.  When you're 18, 50 year-olds look old to you," he explained.  All four of us are well past  50 now.

"So I paddled out on my surfboard and rescued the woman.  The man was able to get to some rocks and eventually made his own way back to shore.  When he got there, he fished out his wallet and turned to one of my mates, handing him a 10 pound note."

"Here you are laddie, and she's worth every bit of those 10 pounds."

"I don't know," said the mate, looking over at the wife who was, after all, 50 and not that attractive.  "I think you deserve some change," and returned 5 pounds to the man.

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