Friday, November 12, 2010

We got us a Convoy!

A number of the Walcha Rotarians were on hand with their 4 x 4s and loaded us up.  We were off to the gorge.  There were 9 fully loaded SUVs.  We were a convoy!  All of us were connected by CB radio, just like in the days of truck convoys, with Fearless Leader in front and Tailend Charlie bringing up the rear. 
Originally, we were to drive into the gorge in the 4x4s but recent heavy rains as well as a small deluge yesterday morning kaiboshed that plan.  Too dangerous.  Vehicles have been known to slide sideways off the steep road so instead, we were driven to a beautiful viewpoint called Budd’s Mare and along the way admired the countryside of rolling hills dotted with sheep.  The viewpoint was beautiful and though I know the local Rotarians were disappointed not to be able to take us into the gorge, we don’t know what we’re missing and so simply enjoyed what we could see.
It was a place of unspeakable loveliness.

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