Thursday, November 11, 2010

The White House

“Let others tell of storms and showers.  I’ll only count your sunny hours.”

This quote is on the sundial pictured in front of the house.  You can also see another fine display of the iron lace that decorates the veranda. The Whites were early settlers to the area and as was the style back then, if you had some money to spend, the government gave you generous land grants plus you got free convict labour to work your land.  They ended up with 200,000 acres.  Generous indeed. 

The house is showing its age.  In the living room there is a huge stain on the wall above the fireplace.  Apparently one summer when the fireplace wasn’t in use of course, a nest of bees set up home inside.  Then come winter when they lit the fireplace, all the honey and beeswax melted and dripped through the wall.

The piano had a double candle holder attached to the left and right front of the piano, with candles.  I presume it was so you could read your piano music in the days before electricity.

There were 5 daughters and they all slept on the second storey veranda outside, year round.  There were blinds that could be pulled down so they would be sheltered from the wind and hail (!)

And in a final little note of interest, one of the Misses White married a Mr. Black and moved to Orange.

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