Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sorrowful goodbyes

This Rotary Friendship Exchange has been a wonderful experience in almost every way.  The only part that hurts is having to say goodbye every few days to the wonderful hosts we've had and with whom we've all bonded in the short time we've been together.  And it's not just the hosts, but we've met so many wonderful people, many of whom we know we'll never see again.  That's becoming sad.

We've been treated so well.  Too well!  We're scared to death for the return trip as they've set the benchmark very high.

When we leave one town for the next, Steve plays "I am Australian" in the bus, and we're getting to know the chorus and singing along.  It's become our unofficial anthem in Australia.

1 comment:

  1. I remember what you mean. You meet such fabulous people, and your time is so brief; you have to cram so much in. it's surprisingly hard to say goodbye - but then, that just means you had the privilege of meeting someone new with whom you really connected.

    "Travel is the realm of the improbable adventure, the quick fix, the ship passing in the night. It entitles you to meet interesting people, whom you would never meet, even if you laid traps or advertised for them. Not only do you meet them, but also unmeet them, all in the space of, it often seems, a mere compacted evening. As there is so little time, bodies in motion drop their guard and immediatly get on with their stories. Then the proverbial ships part, each to its destination, never again to brush each other's wake."
    - Lawrence Millman, "Last Places"
