Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The pigeons look well fed, but the men and women who eat their lunch outside in Australia Square are slender and stylish.  There are as many Brown Baggers as lunchers who buy takeout from the indoor food court.  It's a very vibrant square, and the whole downtown rocks and teems with pedestrians.  The many outdoor cafes and restaurants, not to mention the throngs of people, remind me a lot of downtown Montreal.

We did some people watching while sipping a glass of cool wine in the square. The soft air wrapped itself around us, enveloping us with a heady mix of multiple perfumes competing with each other.

It's easy to pick out the locals.  They're nearly all good looking and well dressed, like downtown in any large city, with the men in suits and ties and the women in fashionable dresses and stiletto heels. Clearly, Aussies have good genes.  In this culturally diverse city we've seen everyone from stunning Asian beauties - and there are many here - to beautiful olive-skinned men and women from the Mediteranean countries.  And, lots and lots of joggers!  Especially around Circular Quay by the Opera House.  I think many are downtown workers who jog around the Quay on their lunch hours.  Everyone looks very fit.

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