Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Our hosts Hal and Shirley met us at the Tamworth station.  And the hosts for the rest of our team were there as well PLUS, Ken, the R.C. Tamworth club president and a reporter for the local newspaper!  He went  around and took photos of the Tamworth hosts and their Canadian guests so even if our picture doesn’t make it into the local paper, we’ll probably see our images in a club bulletin or somewhere.  With an outstanding reception like this, we’re really going to have to pull out all the stops and be on our toes when it comes time to reciprocate next year.

Tamworth has six Rotary clubs, a huge amount for a city of 70,000 and each couple was being hosted by a member from one of the six clubs so clearly, all clubs have joined together to organize their portion of the Rotary Friendship Exchange.

Hal and Shirley live right on the 7th hole at the golf course,  so since there’s still some daylight left, Hal took Hans out to play 3 or 4 holes while Shirley makes supper and I’m sitting in their office blogging.  I’m a bad guest.  

Hal and Shirley are charming.  But then, we noticed this before with our hosts in Sydney.  Aussies have a knack for making you feel as if they were just waiting for the day when someone like you would drop by.

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