Saturday, November 20, 2010

That is just too cute!
In a related note, there are nets stretched high up across the highways in koala territory so that they can safely get across.

Their fur is very soft.  Wished I could have held him, but it's against the law now because it's too stressful for the koalas.

At the Koala Hospital, we learned that males are tagged on the left “because females are always right,” came a disembodied voice.  “And males are left to do the work,” replied our guide, and he directed us to the picture window where they were currently feeding a young male with a health supplement, using a syringe.  He was found in a “bad” area – not enough good eucalyptus – and had been losing weight so he needed a boost.  He submitted to the feeding, but didn’t seem to be enjoying it much.

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