Friday, November 26, 2010

Cheese Tasting

We left Sydney this morning to head south towards Bega, our first stop on the long odyssey we have ahead of us. 
Bega is a nice little town, somewhat inland from the ocean but we stopped at the tourist information center where they had a free cheese tasting.  There were about 12 or 14 different cheeses cut into tiny cubes, carefully labeled, and we had lots of toothpicks with which to taste.  I only got through about half of them before I found my two favourites, which I tasted over and over to see if the quality remained unchanged.  It did. The last taste was as good as the first.
It was 32 in Bega today, and when we stepped out of the car, the air felt baking hot.  But we decided not to overnight in Bega and instead went to Tathra, a little beach community 15 minutes away.  I thought I might go for a swim but…it’s really cold here right now.  The wind off the ocean is quite brisk and I’m wearing a sweater and still cold.  I’m not so sure I’ll be swimming in the morning.  Especially after I saw those little blue balloons on the beach with their long strings.

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