Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sydney, at last

Our Sydney hostess Fern met us at the airport and to our collective relief, Hans had no trouble inserting our various pieces of luggage and golf clubs into their SUV.  Good thing, though, that Glenn was off on a business trip so we could use his seat for a suitcase.

Despite the several weighty pieces we came with, we’re actually travelling quite light.  Most of the weight and space in our bags is taken up by gifts from Canada for the many Rotarians we’ll be visiting during our 10 week odyssey.  This turned out to be mistake number one on my part.  Not the gifts,  but in my frenzy to keep the suitcases light and ever mindful of every ounce I was packing, I opted to bring a flimsy white jacket instead of the heavier one in my original plan.  And in the last minute, I also tossed out the black turtleneck thinking, “Why in God’s name am I bringing this?  I’ll never wear it and then I’ll have to cart it around Australia for 2 months.”  So I flung it out.  That was Mistake Number Two.

“Should we bring an umbrella?” Hans asked as we were getting ready to leave Phoenix.   “Why?” I asked.   “If it’s pouring, we won’t be sighting-seeing and besides, we’ll be with the team and in our bus.”  Mistake Number Three.

I totally forgot that we have 4 days in Sydney before our Friendship Exchange.  And, just to remind me not to take the Weather Gods so cavalierly, it’s not only raining very hard in Sydney, there’s also a chilly, brisk wind.  Like Heidi, I’m wearing all my clothes today and not one of them has long sleeves.

I had hopefully been expecting a Goldilocks day.  Not too hot and not too cold.  Just right. 

Maybe tomorrow.

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