Friday, November 26, 2010

Newlands Arm

Breakfast, with freshly squeezed orange juice.  We picked the oranges this morning before we ate.  Now that's fresh!  And I got porridge, which I really love, cooked the Scottish way by soaking the oats overnight.  It was yummy and reminded me of my childhood when dad used to make porridge for us.

The two Hanses on the deck.  Looks like my Hans is demonstrating a bad golf shot.

Just look at the profusion of lemons on that tree!  And that's just one tree.  They also have a "lemonade" tree where the lemons are sweet and ready to be pressed.  Amazing.  Plus, there are several orange trees, and blood orange trees, as well as plus, cherry, grapefruit and almond.  And our hostess sent us off with a bagful of mandarins from their tree for our lunch, which we ate after Hans' golf game this morning.  He got 84, not a bad day of golf.

close up of the end of our hosts' garden, which leads to the water.  Haven't swum here yet, but tomorrow's another day.

These huge and abudant roses greeted us as we arrived at their home.  And the house is fragrant with huge bouquets of roses everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. What an orchard! Sounds like their mornings must be wonderful; fresh fruit and juice. sounds divine.
