Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hal and Shirley

It’s our first evening at Hal and Shirley’s.  They live on the 7th hole at the Longyard Golf Course and so with very little coaxing, Hal convinced Hans that they should go and play a few holes until it gets too dark.   They managed to squeeze in seven holes and came back quite happy, despite the fact that they were there so long they go locked into the golf course and had to jump the fence to get back out... Well, maybe not exactly like that.  But instead of being stressed, they had a good laugh about it.

Meanwhile, it was dinner time.  Shirley had already prepared a delicious salad with avocados, and was laying out the steaks.

“Will Hal barbecue them?” I asked.

Looking outside, she said, “No, it’s too windy.  Besides, Hal doesn’t barbecue.  He cremates.  He was a Funeral Director you know.”

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