Friday, November 12, 2010

Remembrance Day in Walcha

We stopped at Grazes Café in Walcha for morning coffee when we arrived.  They serve decaf so Hans and I had our first coffee in 2 ½ weeks and it was good.  Even better was the toasted banana bread we had which in Australia they butter, then toast it before serving it warm.  Yummy!!
The mayor, also a Rotarian, joined us and at 11:00 a.m.  we stood to observe a minute’s silence.  Lou had thoughtfully brought along enough poppies for all of us to wear over our hearts.  We weren’t the only ones to stand, as other customers also stood.  When the minute was up, a gentleman at another table recited The Ode to the Fallen, a short but poignant acknowledgement to fallen soldiers everywhere.

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