Saturday, November 20, 2010

Getting around in Forster

“When you get on the bus, could you tell the driver that I’m driving with David in the car, so I won’t be on the bus after all,” said Sheryl my hostess.
“No problem,” I replied, and when I boarded the bus I told the driver that David and Sheryl would be coming along to the wine tasting in their own car.
“But I don’t know how to get to Steve’s,” he replied, “that’s why David was supposed to come on the bus!”
Hans had just boarded, so I asked him to run back into the mall and find David and Sheryl.
“He doesn’t know how to get to Steve’s,” I said, “so ask him to come with us.”
Off he went and came back fairly quickly without either Sheryl or David.
“I ran into Sheryl and asked her if she knew how to get to Steve’s.”
“Sure,” she replied, “so I came back.”
“It’s not David who doesn’t know how to get there, it’s the bus driver!  He doesn’t know where Steve lives and that’s why David has to come with us, to direct the driver.”
“Oh.  That’s not what you said.”

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