Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Odds and Sods

We took a bus into the city yesterday for a day of walking around.  It was easy-peasy.  Just one bus from Glenn and Fern's home right to the end of the line, which drops us at Town Hall by the Statue of Queen Victoria.  And no, that's not it above.

An elderly lady entered the bus and all the seats were taken.  Hans was getting ready to offer his seat when  a nice Australian gentlement not only gave her his seat, but assisted her to it.  He got off the bus before she did, but when it came time for her to leave, a very nice, very young man and another lady took her arms and helped her off.  It chokes me up just to remember it, and I was so gratified to see evidence of such polite good manners.  Australians are a lot like Canadians.

And in a totally unrelated note, we walked into the NSW Parliament building.  I'd like to tell you it's because I have an overwhelming interest in their parliamentary system, but really, I was desperate for a toilet.  But we did get ushered into a room with a number of young people who were going to do some role-playing on how the system works and the guide mistakenly took us for members of this group.  When we admitted we had nothing to do with them, we were still invited to sit in an listen, which we did for a while, and I learned something.  The word Parliament comes from the French word to speak:  parler.

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