Tuesday, November 9, 2010

In the early morning rain

In the early morning rain….

...we left for Sydney Central.  Glenn recommended we give ourselves an hour to get to the train station since we were leaving not only during rush hour but also in the rain, both factors that would contribute to delays somewhere along the way.

As it happened, though the traffic was thick, it flowed as quickly as the gutters that were swollen with rain and we took only 30 minutes to get to the train station.  Annette Mackay, the Assistant District Governor for District 9650, spotted us in our Rotary vests and came over to introduce herself.  She’s accompanying us on our train ride to Tamworth to get to know us better.  “Are you scoping us out to see with whom you want to stay next year when you and your husband come to Canada?”  Clearly that hadn’t crossed her mind, but now that we’ve put that thought into her head we’re all under pressure to be on our best behaviour so she’ll choose us.

We relaxed, and settled in our seats in a state of tranquil mindlessness.  Until I saw the sign in the train’s toilet that said, “Deposit used syringes here.”

With three minutes to spare, our team was intact and the train thrummed to life and we slid regally out of Sydney Central.   We were on our way.

This little cutie was in our train car.  Lou gave her a flag and she proudly walked up and down the aisles waving it at all the passengers.


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