Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tiny Dancers

I'm completely charmed.

Today's feature attraction in downtown Sydney were dozens of toddler ballerinas.  Adorable little e year olds in their filly pink tututs were everywhere.  We saw most of them at the Sydeny Opera House where there was some kind of event and the little girls were encouraged to wear their tutus.  My, but they were cute! I asked permission from one Mom to take her daughters' picture, and then asked the little pink girl, "Are you a ballerina?"  She nodded shyly, but couldn't bring herself to speak.


  1. Well, they are too cute for words. I love their little tutus! Reminds me of that pink tutu you had as a little girl, when you were a Ruby in the ballet.

  2. And you wore it too and looked adorable in it.
