Friday, November 26, 2010

Computer Glitches with Million Dollar View

Okay, I’m seriously frustrated at the dismal internet connection in Australia.  Really, really frustrated.
This is a modern country and yet…wireless internet seems to be completely unknown here.  Come to think of it, I’ve been here over 3 weeks and don’t remember seeing WiFi signs around.  However, I wasn’t looking. Probably there are some, somewhere, but not in the hotel we’re in tonight.  And I was SO looking forward to just spending a whole evening on the computer since this is the first night we’re actually alone.  I figured I could log on, download all the updates that are hanging around in the ether waiting to come to Mama, and blog, and Facebook, and just even read all the emails I haven’t had time to look at.  It’s not going to happen tonight I guess.  I just want to weep.
In fairness, we’ve had internet connections at most of our hosts’ homes, but sometimes it meant unplugging their computer in order to connect ours, and they’ve been very good about it.  But it’s not the same, because I’m inconveniencing my hosts and so I try to be quick and consequently only do the most essential things.  *sigh*  I must say, I never expected this.
“Are you the owner?” Hans asked the next morning at breakfast.
He fixed Hans with a steady eye.  “If I were the owner, I wouldn’t be making your toast.” 
So there went our last hope of getting internet before leaving.  But once again, the beauty of the sunrise over the ocean made up for it .

We have no phone or internet here, but we do have a million dollar view.
We’re in a cheap motel (by Australian standards) which at $90 offers us a queen bed plus 2 singles but no phone or internet.  On the plus side, I’m sitting on my little balcony with a glass of wine and have a stunning view of the ocean below me, and I can hear the surf pounding.  Already I’m relaxing.  Oh, that could also be the wine.  But truly, the view is awesome and I’m really loving it.
Earlier, we walked along the beach where the tide is out and saw funny little blue “balloons” the size of your thumb, with lots of blue string.  Bright blue, like fountain pen ink.  They may be jellyfish that were washed up on the shore when the tide abandoned them.  Hans prodded one with the toe of his sandal and it sort of exhaled with a shudder, so we made sure not to touch it with any part of our flesh.  It could be one of those deadly little things in Australia that can kill you.  If I had internet, I could look it up but I’m not bitter.  Really.

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